HOC Journal 1690 session 2
Extracts from the House of Commons Journal, vol 10 1688 - 1693.
2 October 1690
The King's Speech reported.
Mr. Speaker reports, That his Majesty had been pleased to make a most gracious Speech to both Houses: But in regard the same was long, and that there was a great Noise made by the Crowd, and that his Majesty's Voice was low, he could not distinctly hear the same; and therefore, he had desired and obtained a Copy of it: And he read the same;
[The speech is very substantially an appeal for more money and quickly, for the spiralling cost of the war, including army arrears of pay and further sums for the next season's campaigning ]
I cannot conclude without taking Notice also, How much the Honour of the Nation has been exposed by the ill Conduct of My Fleet in the last Summer's Engagement against the French [Battle of …