Articles tagged with parliament

Dalton: Ten Years in England

Dalton's Life of Thomas Pitt, Chapter 5

Dalton has relatively little to go on for his un-imaginatively titled chapter, Ten years in England. As a result, he yields to the temptation to spin out what speculations he can.

Unreliable dates

In 1688 he bought from James Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, the manor of Stratford under the Castle, and was returned as member for Old Sarum in the election of the Convention Parliament, and for New Sarum (Salisbury) in the Parliament of 1690. In 1691 he became the owner of the site of Old Sarum, and the votes attached to it, thereby securing the representation of the borough for himself and his heirs. p. 69

In fact his election in 1690 at Old Sarum was overturned. He did not gain control of that borough until a later date, and the last contested election there was not until 1705.

Question of motivation …

Brief Historical Relation 1690 Q2

Political and other events

From Luttrell's Brief Historical Relation, a diary of news and current events (BR). These are all from vol. 2 of the 6 volume printed edition.

April 1690

French letters say that their squadron under the command of Mr D'Amfreville returned to Brest the 9th with 5,000 Irish, commanded by lieut. general Macarty; that the count D'Avaux, lieut. general Rose, with several other French officers, returned with them; that it was declared the dauphin should command the army on the Rhine, and under him by the mareschal de Lorge; the army in Flanders to be commanded by the duke of Luxemburgh; the marquesse de Boufflers is to command a body upon the Moselle; the duke de Noailles is to command in Roussillon, and the sieu de Catinat the forces towards Italy. They say that strict orders had been given for raising the ban and arrierban, which …